Frequently Asked Questions

We suggest that you read this page in its entirety before reaching out to us. We know that ancient Greek religion is unfamiliar to most, so it’s important to address misconceptions as early as possible.

Is Earth and Starry Heaven a registered religious nonprofit?

Not currently, but it may become one in the future if the community grows large enough that our needs change.

Do you actually believe in Greek mythology?

Are you asking if we treat ancient Greek myth as inerrant historical truth, like how Young Earth creationists treat Biblical mythology? No, we don’t. A F.A.Q. page is inappropriate for the depth of this subject, but it’s important to understand that Greek myth is not the foundation of our beliefs nor our equivalent of scripture, but rather part of a complex, living religious tradition which once played a serious role in daily life in ancient Greece. No one learned the religion by studying the stories, but by practicing it from early childhood until death. The significance of these stories was filtered through their pre-existing polytheistic worldview, not the reverse.

Do you actually believe in the Greek gods?

Typically, yes, modern worshippers of Greek gods are theists, or at least open to the idea that the gods really exist.

Is your religion a revival movement?

In short, yes. The ancient Greek religion ceased to be practiced in an unbroken line around 880 C.E., when the inhabitants of the isolated Mani peninsula were forced to convert to Christianity. Attempts to revive it (within Greece) date back to the early Renaissance period. The modern movement in the U.S., however, is arguably no older than the 1990s, and emerged partly due to dissatisfaction with the large volume of ahistorical narratives being spread by neopagan book publishers at that time.

How does Greek polytheism differ from Wicca or other forms of paganism?

If by “Wicca” you mean traditional Wicca, this is difficult to answer with precision due to the secretive, oathbound nature of its teachings and practices. However, a great number of differences stem from that detail alone. No formal initiation is required to celebrate and sacrifice to our gods, and we don’t teach or practice in a coven environment. Mystery cults certainly have an important history within the Mediterranean, but that is a separate topic. As for other types of paganism – there are so many distinct religious identities under this label that we cannot thoughtfully address them all here. If you have an existing spiritual background in paganism, polytheism, and/or witchcraft, you’re welcome to chat with us directly to better understand how our traditions compare.

How can I learn more about your religion?

Take a look at the Recommended Reading list. Or, join the community and speak with us directly!

Are you partnered with any other religious / spiritual communities?

Not officially, but feel free to send a proposal if you have one.

Do I need to pay a membership fee to join your community?

No, never. Membership and attendance to in-person gatherings are always free.

Can I reach out to you for an interview or to ask questions not listed here?

Of course! Send an e-mail to and we’ll do our best to assist you.